Some more fun things about Camryn:
*She loves to go outside and WALK! Whenever we pull into our driveway, she says, "walk, walk" because she likes to walk from the car, up the 3 flights of stairs, to our place.
*She loves bath time.
*Loves to play with anything electronic: daddy's laptop, ipod, our phones, remotes, etc...
*Is finally getting her vampire teeth! (Which is appropriate, because she still loves to watch Eclipse.)
*Has some of the longest hair ever. I've started french braiding the front to keep it out of her eyes, because she doesn't keep a clip in all that well.
*Cam is one smart cookie! She knows her colors and numbers... (see videos below) and she is working on letters and shapes right now. I love how she says octagon (oct-ga-ga).
*Still thinks her daddy is the coolest guy around. Whenever my phone rings, she says, "daddy??"
*Folds her arms (more like she grabs her wrist with one hand) waits for us to say a prayer, and then says, "AMEHHH" as loud and she can.
*Some of her favorite things to eat include: parmesan cheese, clementine oranges, salami, cheese (string and sharp cheddar), fruit snacks, raisins, craisins, goldfish crackers, frozen go-gurt, etc...
*When she gets really excited, she does this super exaggerated gasp! It's hilarious.
*Loves to look at pictures of people she recognizes. (Some of my favorites she says are the Zockolls.... Adah (Adam), Din (Linz), Gack (Jack) and Owee (Owen). I think it might be time for us to facetime, guys!
*Is getting back into the interested in the potty thing! Yay!! I just need to work with her on pulling her pants down, and then we can be diaper free!!
We love our little Cram!! Can't believe she'll be a 2 year old this summer. Weird!!!!
6 comments: favorite thing that she says is when you ask her what Elmo says and she says, "la la la." HILARIOUS! Cute little Cram! Come back and visit us you little smarty pants! We love you!
PS - We should totally facetime. Maybe tomorrow night???
Wow Lexi, I am seriously impressed. Great job Cam!
That's my girl! She's a genius. Such a cutie. Will have to listen for the Elmo thing again...
I still can't believe all the things Camryn knows how to do...she's amazing!! And I LOVE her little side, so cute. Way to go, mom!!
She is SO smart!! I know 3-year-olds who can't name their numbers and colors like Camryn already can. You are doing a great job teaching her!
I am very jealous that she is such a great eater. I just don't understand why Macy won't eat what I think is delicious food?!
I have to tell you that every time I see a picture of Camryn I think, "Wow! She has the most amazing hair!" Seriously! We are beyond jealous over here. My kids don't even get enough hair to show that they are female until the age of 4. Camryn is gorgeous and always dressed so cute.
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