Some more fun things about Camryn:
*She loves to go outside and WALK! Whenever we pull into our driveway, she says, "walk, walk" because she likes to walk from the car, up the 3 flights of stairs, to our place.
*She loves bath time.
*Loves to play with anything electronic: daddy's laptop, ipod, our phones, remotes, etc...
*Is finally getting her vampire teeth! (Which is appropriate, because she still loves to watch Eclipse.)
*Has some of the longest hair ever. I've started french braiding the front to keep it out of her eyes, because she doesn't keep a clip in all that well.
*Cam is one smart cookie! She knows her colors and numbers... (see videos below) and she is working on letters and shapes right now. I love how she says octagon (oct-ga-ga).
*Still thinks her daddy is the coolest guy around. Whenever my phone rings, she says, "daddy??"
*Folds her arms (more like she grabs her wrist with one hand) waits for us to say a prayer, and then says, "AMEHHH" as loud and she can.
*Some of her favorite things to eat include: parmesan cheese, clementine oranges, salami, cheese (string and sharp cheddar), fruit snacks, raisins, craisins, goldfish crackers, frozen go-gurt, etc...
*When she gets really excited, she does this super exaggerated gasp! It's hilarious.
*Loves to look at pictures of people she recognizes. (Some of my favorites she says are the Zockolls.... Adah (Adam), Din (Linz), Gack (Jack) and Owee (Owen). I think it might be time for us to facetime, guys!
*Is getting back into the interested in the potty thing! Yay!! I just need to work with her on pulling her pants down, and then we can be diaper free!!
We love our little Cram!! Can't believe she'll be a 2 year old this summer. Weird!!!!