Sunday, May 8, 2011

We're BAAACK!!! (+Cam is 23 months!)

Phew!! Finally getting back into this blogging thing!! I went to upload pictures from my camera, but realized we haven't taken any new ones... Rich got me an iPhone, and all of my picture/video taking has been on that (I don't know how to put them on the blog-- anyone want to teach me?).

Ok, so the pictures I do have were all taken by my parents. Camryn and I went to my friend Austen's wedding in Pasadena back in February. We had so much fun down in California!! (It was a nice break from the SNOW in Utah!)

Me and Amanda- I miss this girl!! Isn't she gorgeous? Like ridiculously pretty. She used to live minutes from us in Bountiful, but moved out of the state. )c:
(Ps. Note to self: Summer goal: GET A TAN!)

My mom and I took Cam to Lacy Park. It was such nice weather!! Cam had a good time sitting on the big kid swings.

Here she is telling her Grandma a very interesting story. I'm loving her straight across eyebrows in this picture!

Ahhh couldn't you just squeeze her?? Even though these weren't taken very long ago, I feel like she already looks so much older now! (Pictures to come as soon as someone teaches me how to upload phone pictures...)

Ok, so as a big almost 2 year old, Miss Camryn has a lot of tricks!

-She is talking like CRAZY and has very strong opinions. (For example, what kid only wants to watch the menu of a DVD? Mine. She cries sometimes if you hit play. Weird.)

-She loves YouTube. Some of her favorite things to watch are: Sesame Street videos, Baby by Justin Bieber, Forget You by Cee Lo, Charlie Bit Me, Angry Cat...)

-She sings! ABC Song, Row Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, If You're Happy and You Know it....

-She loves playing outside. Jumping on the trampoline, swinging, digging in the dirt, running, bubbles, and she taught herself how to summersault this week.

-She has NO fear. At the park she goes up to the biggest slide and goes right down. She jumps off furniture, and climbs everything. (Luckily she hasn't figured out how to get out of her crib!)

-Takes a 2-3 hour nap everyday, and sleeps in until 8:00-8:30am.

-Has a major sweet tooth. She wakes up requesting cookies. But she also likes things most 2 year olds wouldn't touch: pickles and hot cheetos!

-Still loves Twilight.. aka Mommy, Daddy and Wecob (Jacob).

-Loves talking on the phone.

-Favorite books right now: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear," "Once Upon a Potty," "Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog," "No David," and the "ABC Book."

I can't get over how grown up she is seeming lately!! Didn't I just blog about her first birthday party?!? She is such a big kid now. Yikes.

Coming Soon:

Potty Training. We are gearing up. Let me just say, there is nothing cuter than a teeny tiny bum in undies. Nothing.