**For my loyal readers, sorry this was not up on Sunday like I promised. When you see the almost 30 pictures I uploaded, hopefully you'll understand why it took so long for me to get motivated to do this! Moving on...**
The Park:In early October, we took Camryn to our church park, and there was a horse next door! She LOVED it, and kept trying to pet it. (PS. I love the lighting in this picture.)
Nothing beats a new pair of chucks, homemade baby legs, and a jean mini skirt!
Proof that Cam does have a mother! Haha I am usually behind the camera, so there are hardly any pictures of the 2 of us together. Unfortunately, this isn't even a great shot, but oh well- I was teaching her how to swing on the big swings on her stomach.
Just exploring...
For some reason she went through a phase last month where she was super interested in her tongue.
Going down the slide-- look at her lashes! I love them!
This is one girl who absolutely LOVES her Daddy... Can you tell by her expression??
I'm sad I cut her chin off in this picture, because I love it!! Teaching her to slide backwards.
The Zoo:We did another zoo trip with the cousins mid October- we wanted to get one more outdoor outing in before the cold weather hit!! Here we are with Stacey and Kaidrey..
Kristi, Seren, Lici and Zac enjoying the elephants.
Camille and Tytan checking out the rhino.
Her expression in this picture cracks me up! She looks so grown up!
No one rocks a homemade "Elmo is my homeboy" shirt quite like Cam. (Note the tongue again...)
I love this turquoise color on her!! She is quite yummy, don't you agree?
More of the tongue. Haha crazy girl.
Vegas Trip:We went to Vegas for our 4th anniversary and Halloween this year!! Check out these cute Benesh cousins... Apparently they all got the striped shirt memo.
Owen is a master soccer player- he tried to teach Cam his tricks... but she didn't catch on.
Jack did enjoy the benefits of having younger cousins... slave labor!
This picture totally cracks me up!! I can just see her thinking, "Dad, get the camera out of my face!"
Cute Owee on the retro rocket.
Cam LOVED these goggles- she is amazing. Haha.
The dads took the kids to the park!
Jack pulled them. For about 30 seconds I hear. Haha.
Miss Camryn LOVES Daddy's computer!! Everytime she sees it she says, "Appoh, appoh" (Apple).
This is the best shot we have of her from Halloween. The girl does not sit still!!! (If we're FB friends, you can see a cuter picture the Zockolls took). Can you see her little stinger?? She was a bee.
Finally, I took this a few days ago. This is the first time she wore this tulle skirt, and she kept saying, "tutu, diddy" (pretty).
17 Month Highlights:
At 17 months, Cam:
*is sleeping 12-13 hours at night. (Usually 7 or 8 pm to 8 am... I am loving this. Before the time change, she wasn't waking up til 9 ish)
*is down to one 3 hour nap (sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a little longer)
*still hates bananas
*loves bath time
*loves reading her books (favorites are: 5 Little Ladybugs, Blue Hat, Green Hat, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, No David, David Gets in Trouble, ABC book, The Hungry Caterpillar...)
*loves anything that resembles a phone (remotes, my old nintendo di, etc...)
*still loves Elmo and Ma (her bear)
*still loves the movie Juno
*loves fruit snacks
*favorite songs are Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn Popping, and Apple Bottom Jeans. (She even sings along to the part that goes "Low, low, low, low" but she goes, "No, no, no, no" haha!)
*dances to any music
*loves to hide and then pop out her head and say, "boo"
*finally calls me by name!! Cutest thing ever, by the way.
*loves to wear sunglasses and shoes (any type-- church shoes, snow boots, etc...)
*can identify nose, ears, eyes, hair, and eyebrows
What she can say:
*milk= guhk
*juice= jooosss
*water=wah wah
*daddy= daddy, or dah-ee
*bye= buh bye
*duck= duhhk
*please=peeese (in a falsetto)
*boots= bbboootsss
*more= which for some reason comes out wah (??)
*is starting to learn colors. she can say: purple=puhpoh, green=gree, blue=boo, yellow=eeh-oh, orange=ahnge, black= back, brown=bown, pink=peek, and she is working on figuring out which color is which. She pretty much always guesses purple first.
*Jack= Jck
*hi (about 500 times a day... and if you don't say it back, she will just get up in your face and repeat it until you respond! haha it's so funny!)
*she's starting to count! If I say, "one" she'll say, "two... " (and sometimes three if we're lucky!)
I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can come up with right now. She is talking more and more everyday!! I am LOVING it!