Mmmm.... Sweet Potato!! (Imagine a creepy Oprah voice... did everyone see that clip on the soup?? watch it here)
I love how she holds on to the side of her seat like she is afraid of letting go. She does this in her car seat too.
Still loves her bath!!
Still loves her bath!!
What can I say about my little Cramryn??
*she LOVES dogs!! *Well... she loves the one dog she's met. It was a half chihuahua/ half pug named Titus. She loved to pet him, and kiss him, and now for some reason, she pants ALL THE TIME *no joke.
*She loves baby food (pretty much any kind).
*She eats her toes
*Loves getting her teeth brushed
*Talks to herself when she wakes up from naps (it's pretty cute).
*Down to 3 naps a day! *as opposed to like 5. haha
*Kicks her feet when she gets excited
*She gives HUGS!! Oh my gosh, this is my favorite. When you get her out of her crib, she wraps her arms around you and cuddles for a few seconds. SO cute.
*She loves being around other people
*Loves the car
*She's getting better about eating food with texture (like crumbled up cracker, bread, even tried *and loved* tomato tonight!)
*She loves music
*She likes when you show her the gum in your mouth
*She loves drinking water out of the bottom of a straw
*We joke that she says "hello." haha... she makes the sounds "heh ooo" when she's talking to herself.
*She is still a good sleeper at night, waking up just once (or sometimes not at all) to eat.
*She is STILL (knock on wood!) such a happy kid!!! I love it- the girl never cries-- sometimes she'll cry when we put her to bed, but that is it. Seriously, she is the best baby ever.
I can't believe my little baby is already six months old- that went by too fast!! I know these next six months will zoom by, and pretty soon my sweet baby will be a crazy toddler walking around and getting into everything. Please please please can someone slow this down?? (I'm not ready for her to be mobile!!!)
We love having Camryn in our little family!