Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So, it's been awhile...

I have been a horrible blogger, mostly because all my pictures have been uploaded to FB or instagram, so I feel like everyone is pretty caught up with our lives.  However, these are NEW pictures!!  

Reese Harper was born on December 22 (MY birthday) at 1:35pm.  She weighed NINE pounds (!!!) and was measured at 20 inches, but we think that might be off, because at her 2 week appointment, she was 22.5 inches!  This labor went really fast: I was having contractions off and on Friday night, after not sleeping super great, I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't fall asleep anymore.  I woke Rich up at 6, left for the birth center at 9, got in and checked by 9:30 (I was a 6!!), labored in the tub the entire time, pushed for 27 minutes, and she was here!!  The midwives said she looked like a big girl, but we had NO IDEA she would be this big!  

Reese is an awesome baby.  She eats really well, sleeps pretty good (usually eats at 11pm, goes to sleep at 11:30, and wakes up between 4-5 to eat, and then again around 8), and loves her big sister!!  We can't get enough of this sweet baby!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Probably My Favorite Picture Ever.

My poor dad....
Want to know why we are laughing so hard??

Lindsay put her hand on my leg, and didn't even realize it wasn't her leg because we were so squished. So I held her hand and she didn't even notice. Haha... Good times!! I love my family!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What We've Been Up To....

Geez-- I have seriously been neglecting the blog!! I wish I could say there was some amazing reason for our absence, but we have just been BUSY!! Here's what we've been doing (sorry these are all phone pictures, it's all I've got!):

Wearing keys as a necklace:

Sleeping in a "big girl" bed: (And doing it like a pro- she treats it like a crib- once she's in, she stays put!)

Wearing Elmo slippers out to the grocery store. (And reading a Twilight magazine... Cam is a total Twihard):

"Painting" her own fingernails with a sharpie:

Making Cam's duvet for when we move her to a twin bed: (more on that when the whole room is assembled)

Making 3 of these for baby shower gifts: (My mom hired me!)

Being silly with Daddy (Love these two!):

Being stinkin' adorable:

So that is pretty much what's been going on in the Andelin house for the past 2 months. Cam is doing pretty well with potty training- tells us when she needs to go poop, and then goes on the potty- pee's when we tell her to go sit. We're working on telling us before we have to remind her to go. She is learning (and talking) more and more everyday!! Knows how to spell her name, count (up to the 20s..), draw circles and the number 1... Loves to sing! Her current favorite songs are: Who will preach the gospel (from an old tape I had when I was little), skid-a-ma-rink, Kitten Kaboodle, Christina Perri's 'A Thousand Years' (it's from Breaking Dawn soundtrack- she knows the whole thing- it's so cute!), I love (insert name) he loves me, jumps EVERYWHERE and off EVERYTHING, you get the picture. Still takes a 2 1/2 hour+ nap everyday, and sleeps in til about 8-8:30 (love that girl!).

Rich took the GRE and is in the process of applying to 9 different graduate programs (send happy thoughts!), so we are in limbo right now while we try to figure out where we'll be this fall!

I've been busy busy busy crafting (thanks to pinterest, and my weekly-ish crafting days with some friends).

Well, that's what you've missed!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Miss Camryn.

It's sure too bad...
that my little...
Miss Camryn...
was born without...
an ounce of...

Sure do love this girl!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Trip to Califonia!!

Finally back to the blogging world!! Yikes- I have been a total slacker. I never take pictures on my camera anymore, just my phone, and I never think to upload them to iPhoto, and who wants to read a blog without pictures of Miss Camryn??

So last month my little sister graduated from highschool!! (Pictures of that on FB...) It was so fun- all the sisters were in town at once!!! The last time all 4 of us were together was Christmas 2009 when Cam was 6 months old. Anyway, we (Rich came too!) were in CA for 6 days and had a blast! My mom had been telling me about this pirate themed park they have behind the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center, so an hour or so after we arrived, we went to the park to let Cam stretch her legs for a bit! We also had a short visit with Cam's namesake (Morgan Paige... I baby sat her growing up and always loved her middle name!), which was so fun! Here's Cam riding in a big swing. She loved it!

This park also had a sandbox with a water feature. It was a seriously cool park. I wish we took some pictures of the actual play structure.

A tradition with Grandma B: Riding the carousel at the mall!! You can't really tell by this face, but she loooved it! We rode a few times.

We also took Cam to the pony rides at Griffith Park!! She loves walking to the mini ponies that live by Rich's parents, but I was a little nervous about how she would react to sitting on a real pony, so we put her on the ponies that just walk in a circle...

She was in heaven riding the "Pomies"

Can you tell??

So my big girl quickly advanced to the big kid ponies that walk around the track!! (I'm not sure she realizes that she is BARELY 2. Homegirl thinks she is a big kid!)

And she pretty much is.... sigh.

I'm pretty sure this train ride blew her mind.

Wondering why her parents have been holding out on her for so long...

After ponies and trains, we took Miss Cam to another park, where she demonstrated her favorite trick: Hanging from the monkey bars for a few seconds and then letting go (we catch her).

She loves it!! (And her Daddy...)

We had so much fun visiting Grandma and Grandpa (and stealing Kylee for 2 weeks!). We can't wait to do it again!!

Our 2 year old big girl can:

*Unlock my iPhone, open the folder with her games, and play games by herself. (And get on youtube and watch Sesame Street videos!)

*Sings Twinkle, Twinkle whenever we ask her to sing any other song. And she thinks her little joke is the most hilarious thing ever.

*Wears 2T and size 4 diapers (but not for much longer--- we are potty training on Monday!?!)

*Loooooves babies and always wants to hold them. "Hold it, a baby?"

*Memorizes her books. She can look at the pages of some of her books, and can tell by the picture what line she is supposed to say. My favorite is "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear."

*Counts to 10, but leaves out 5 and 6.

*Hates nursery at church with a passion.

*Has a weakness for sugar.

*Requests yogurt at least 3 times a day.

*Loved swimming until the little daredevil went down a water slide by herself in Vegas, and now wants nothing to do with the pool unless I am holding her.

*Still naps about 2.5 hours a day

*Is the trampoline jumping champion in Rich's family. Seriously. The 3 year old cousins hate jumping with her because she bounces them too high!! The 5 year old holds his own though! It's pretty funny.

*Preferred method of transportation: jumping/running. Or holding our hands and saying, "ready... set...go!!" so we'll swing her.

*Has all (or most) of her 2 year molars... another uneventful experience. I'd never know she got them if I didn't brush her teeth...

*Loves talking on the phone.

*Loves shoes and boots.

This girl is getting so big!! The other night she peed on the potty, and then requested a "showler" (shower) instead of her usual bath, and totally took a shower by herself (with her daddy helping wash her hair. She washed her own body). I can't believe she is so grown up!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We're BAAACK!!! (+Cam is 23 months!)

Phew!! Finally getting back into this blogging thing!! I went to upload pictures from my camera, but realized we haven't taken any new ones... Rich got me an iPhone, and all of my picture/video taking has been on that (I don't know how to put them on the blog-- anyone want to teach me?).

Ok, so the pictures I do have were all taken by my parents. Camryn and I went to my friend Austen's wedding in Pasadena back in February. We had so much fun down in California!! (It was a nice break from the SNOW in Utah!)

Me and Amanda- I miss this girl!! Isn't she gorgeous? Like ridiculously pretty. She used to live minutes from us in Bountiful, but moved out of the state. )c:
(Ps. Note to self: Summer goal: GET A TAN!)

My mom and I took Cam to Lacy Park. It was such nice weather!! Cam had a good time sitting on the big kid swings.

Here she is telling her Grandma a very interesting story. I'm loving her straight across eyebrows in this picture!

Ahhh couldn't you just squeeze her?? Even though these weren't taken very long ago, I feel like she already looks so much older now! (Pictures to come as soon as someone teaches me how to upload phone pictures...)

Ok, so as a big almost 2 year old, Miss Camryn has a lot of tricks!

-She is talking like CRAZY and has very strong opinions. (For example, what kid only wants to watch the menu of a DVD? Mine. She cries sometimes if you hit play. Weird.)

-She loves YouTube. Some of her favorite things to watch are: Sesame Street videos, Baby by Justin Bieber, Forget You by Cee Lo, Charlie Bit Me, Angry Cat...)

-She sings! ABC Song, Row Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, If You're Happy and You Know it....

-She loves playing outside. Jumping on the trampoline, swinging, digging in the dirt, running, bubbles, and she taught herself how to summersault this week.

-She has NO fear. At the park she goes up to the biggest slide and goes right down. She jumps off furniture, and climbs everything. (Luckily she hasn't figured out how to get out of her crib!)

-Takes a 2-3 hour nap everyday, and sleeps in until 8:00-8:30am.

-Has a major sweet tooth. She wakes up requesting cookies. But she also likes things most 2 year olds wouldn't touch: pickles and hot cheetos!

-Still loves Twilight.. aka Mommy, Daddy and Wecob (Jacob).

-Loves talking on the phone.

-Favorite books right now: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear," "Once Upon a Potty," "Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog," "No David," and the "ABC Book."

I can't get over how grown up she is seeming lately!! Didn't I just blog about her first birthday party?!? She is such a big kid now. Yikes.

Coming Soon:

Potty Training. We are gearing up. Let me just say, there is nothing cuter than a teeny tiny bum in undies. Nothing.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Ok, so I realize it has been MONTHS since I last posted... we've had a busy few months! We rented out our condo in February, moved in with Rich's parents while we save for a house, I went to CA for a wedding with Cam, etc....

But none of those are the real reason I haven't blogged. (Sorry, it's not a pregnancy either!) We don't have internet fast enough to upload pictures in a normal amount of time. But, fear not! That is about to change on Monday!!!

So for those of you who have been dying to see what we've been up to, just wait a few more days. It will be worth it.

Cam is awesome. Crazy, but awesome. Has mastered all her shapes, colors, numbers and letters. Turns 2 in a little over a month (yikes!). Runs/jumps EVERYWHERE. Says, "Oh be gosh!", jumps on the trampoline like a champ... Screams just for the fun of it. She's a pretty rad kid. (I'm trying to cope with the screams for fun thing... I'm not a fan.)

Ok, I promise next week I will blog WITH pictures.